Friday, December 25, 2009

Dave diagnosis: mostly nice

I can't give my self a naughty rating. I didn't get the T.V. but that was in the "Yeah Right" category to begin with. And I even got one of the items off of the "Things That Don't Exist List": the king size bed skirt with a 12" drop (thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law who made it herself from a queen skirt). So no complaints. Under the no-control category, we'll see this Sunday on the two football games (UK and Bengals). Of course, I got the "Thing That Was Already Purchased" and a couple things from the "More Likely" category, including 2 Bengals jackets (we'll have a fashion show later to pick the one I keep -- maybe I should post photos of me on facebook in each jacket and let the America vote). Rachel and I had a great meal at the Waterfront before we left for Christmas, and I got a couple of great books I wanted. Overall, I'd have to say I was nice this year.

1 comment:

J said...

Jeff Ruby's v. Precinct v. one really much better than the others? Discuss.